Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Luang phor Kasem Wat Susahn Trailak. Burma Jade Phra Kring   B.E.2536  
This Phra Kring Is Made Of Cambodia Jade and you can found it in Lp Kasem Cover Book. when shaken Buddha amulet have a ringing sound.

                Bottom Have The Lp Kasem Solid Gold Chinese Zodisc( mouse symbol )

龍甫卡賢大師 Lp Kasem,Wat Susahn Trailak 

泰國北部南幫府,有一個小市鎮稱為塔高望,在這個小市鎮中有一戶有錢人家,主人名叫召奴,女主人名叫麻鐘,他們夫婦倆可說是塔高望的大好人.他們樂善好施, 時常幫助有需要的貧苦大眾。因此在塔高望地區相當的受人尊敬。佛曆2455年ll月28日,星期三這家的女主人誕下了一名男嬰,他便是日後成為南幫府無人 不知的一代高僧一一龍甫卡賢。

龍甫卡賢大師小時在南幫的一間學校,受過五年的教育,由於從小對於佛理 發生濃厚的興趣,便在佛曆2468年到佛廟做了七天的小沙彌,當時年僅13歲,由於這七天的寺廟生活,使龍甫卡賢大師立志要出家為僧,深人的研究佛理。於 是終於在兩年後請准雙親,即佛曆2470年,在越滿友佛寺出家為小沙彌。當龍甫卡賢大師滿21歲時,即佛曆2475年正式出家為僧,由當時南幫地區最德高 望重的高僧召坤柏潭真他拿王大師主持剃度儀式,正式成為黃衣僧人。

佛 曆2524年8月10日,下午4時,天剛下過雨。在南幫龍卡甫賢大師的住處,來了四位女信徒,這四位女信徒在拜會了龍甫卡賢大師後,龍甫卡賢大師便叫寺廟 助手阿順帶這四位施主到大殿參拜。當這四位施主到大殿拜後,便對阿順說,他們有一樣東西妥交給龍甫卡賢大師,麻煩阿順帶她們到大師的念經房親手交給他。阿 順聽後便帶著這四位女施主到念經房去找龍甫卡賢大師,接看阿順便回到大殿收拾。過了不久,當阿順再回到念經房找龍甫卡賢大師時,那四位女施主已不知去向 了。當時那四位女施王交給龍甫卡賢大師的那一盒東西,安放在距离他們兩公尺之外的一張桌子上。忽然問一聲巨響,從念經房里傳出,佛寺的和尚們都被這一聲巨 響嚇著,紛紛涌到念經房看個究竟。當他們來到念經房後見到念經房被炸彈炸掉一半,心想龍甫卡賢大師困在里面,一定是兇多吉少。但是他們的顧慮是多餘的,只 見龍甫卡賢大師和阿順安然無恙的從廢壚中走出來。這就足見,龍甫卡賢大師的修為是何等的高超,在多危難時,都能化險為夷平安無事。

龍 甫卡賢大師在成為黃衣僧人後,並沒有留在佛寺中,而是行腳到各處尋訪名師,學習佛法。在四年的時間里,龍甫卡賢大師曾到很多地方與寺廟,包括:過越時郎佛 寺、越文瓦梯佛寺、越清萊及越財彎佛寺修習佛法以及巴利文,並於佛曆2479年,回到超文瓦梯偉漢佛寺居住,一住就住了很多年。在這幾年中,龍甫卡賢大師 不斷的研究佛理,使他的修為更進一步,因此在佛曆2485年受到僧王的賞識,被委任為越文恩的主持一直到佛曆2492年。

佛 丙2492年.龍甫卡賢大師毅然辭退主持一職,行腳修行西哇里苦行戒。曾有一次,當龍甫卡賢大師行腳到南幫地區的一個亂葬岡時,為了要為葬在那里的無主孤 魂念經超渡,曾經48天不吃飯.而且從那時起一年只沐浴一次。龍甫卡賢大師做完那場法事後,繼續他的西哇里行程,到過的地方非常多,相信曾到過中國的雲南 省一段時間,因此龍甫卡賢大師對於大乘佛理也有一定的認識,由於受到大乘佛法的影響,促使龍甫卡賢大師日後所督造的大多數佛牌中都帶有大乘佛教的色彩。

佛 曆2499年龍甫卡賢大師結束了他的西畦里修行回到南幫府。有一天有一印度族人來到南幫地區拜會龍甫卡賢大師。當他見到大師後,龍甫卡賢大師對著他說了一 句:“鴨沙路”後便獨自離開,當時周圍的人都覺得奇怪,為什龍甫卡賢大師會對著一個外族人說了一句連他們都不懂的話。過後他們便對著這印族人說,你到底知 道龍甫卡賢大師對您說的那一句話的意思嗎?那印族人便說,我不會聽泰語,也不知大師所說是什麼,但是我感覺得到大師是叫我在這里等他,一會兒他便會來見 我。果然過了不久,龍甫卡賢大師便出現在那位印族人在身旁。龍甫卡賢大師從佛曆2514年開始,沒有沐浴一直到現在。在泰國這麼炎熱的天氣里,往往都會汗 流夾背,但說來奇怪,龍甫卡賢大師在大熱天里念經,都不曾流過汗,而且在他的身上還會發出一種味道很特別的香味,使人嘖嘖稱奇。

Luang Phor Kasem Kemagoh passed away in BE2538 at the age of 83.

Luang Phor Kasem was born on Wednesday, 28th November BE2455 in Jangwat Lampang. Luang Phor Kasem was the descendants of Lampang's King from Lanna Period.

He became a novice monk in BE2468 after the dead his uncle, the abbot of Wat Bunyeun. In BE2470, he went to Bangkok, Wat Setuwan to study Pali language. He returned to Lampang and further his Pali studies in Wat Seelom and Wat Bunyawaht.

In BE2475, he passed his Pali examination with good results and came in first in class at Wat Setuwan. In BE2476, he was ordained as a monk at Wat Bunyeun at the age of 21 years old. His preceptor was Tahn Jow Koon Tammajindah. His ordained name's was Kemagoh Pikkhu.

After he entered monkhood, Luang Por Kasem went to Jangwat Chiangrai to further his Pali studies. He met Luang Phor Krubah Gaen, a very famous monk in North Thailand who was a Tudong monk (forest monk), very good in sammahdti. Luang Phor Kasem became a disciple of Pra Krubah Gaen and went Tudong with his teacher in forests and cementries.

After he entered monkhood, Luang Phor Kasem went to Jangwat Chiangrai to further his Pali studies. He met Luang Phor Krubah Gaen, a very famous monk in North Thailand who was a Tudong monk (forest monk), very good in sammahdti. Luang Phor Kasem became a disciple of Pra Krubah Gaen and went Tudong with his teacher in forests and cementries.

When the abbot of Wat Bunyeun passed away, Pra Dtomkum became the new abbot. After some time, Pra Dtomkum left the temple and the post of abbot at Wat Bunyeun because of boredom. The villagers invited Luang Por Kasem to return to Lampang to be the new abbot of Wat Bunyeun.

Luang Phor Kasem continue his learning in dhamma and sammahdti practise even when he was the abbot. The more he trained, the more realised that life is uncertain. His duties as the abbot, kept him rather busy and finally in BE2492, he left Wat Bunyeun, and went to stay at Sasahn Sahlahwangthan (a cementry at another place in Lampang). Luang Phor Kasem was determined to practise the highest sammahdti at the cementry. He would sit in front of the burial place and watch the burning of corpse. Whether in hot sun or raining, Luang Phor would just sit quietly and watched the corpse being burned to ashes.

Luang Phor Kasem ever sat in sammahdti for as long as 3 months, without shelter under hot sun or heavy rain. Even his robes were wet by the rain or during cold season, when the cold wind blows, Luang Phor Kasem would just sit quietly and not complain and asked for anything. He had let go of everything and steadfast in his practise of dhamma and sammahdti. He ever go without food for 49 days

Since BE2514, Luang Phor Kasem only bathed once a year, but there is no stench or foul odour from his body, even his sweat was pouring under the hot sun. More surprisingly, without shelter and mosquito net, Luang Phor Kasem never suffered a bite from mosquito at the cementry.

Luang Phor Kasem carried nothing with him. His only possession was an alm bowl, his robe which he was wearing and a piece of human bone for him to practise sammahdti. He did not even have any footwear.

Luang Phor Kasem ever mentioned that he is a forest monk and does not required any possession. He was contented with a piece of robe covering his body. Whatever things that the layman gave to him, Luang Phor Kasem would give away to other monks.

Luang Phor Kasem never used a pillow to sleep, because to him, a pillow is a luxury. Luang Phor Kasem would sleep with his body in full protrate position and would sleep at the same spot where he sat in sammahdti

He was very determined to find the truth of life. He asked for nothing in life though he can enjoy the luxuries in life as he was the descendants of royal blood in Lampang.

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